Asian man and woman trying to hear each other

Facts & Fictions about Hearing Loss

Do you suspect you have a hearing loss? Are you wondering what the next steps should be? There are many misconceptions around hearing loss that can keep you from receiving …

All About Tinnitus

Tinnitus Treatment

Do you ever find yourself finally in peace and quiet after a long day only to be confronted with an annoying buzz or ring in your ears? This is tinnitus, …

Veterans and Hearing Loss

Veterans and Hearing Loss

Are you a veteran who is dealing with hearing loss? If so, you are not alone. It is estimated that 60% of veterans returning from combat zones have reported cases …

Occupational Hearing Hazards

Occupational Hearing Hazards

Every day we are surrounded by sound. Sounds help us navigate the world around us, communicate with others and even have the potential to release pleasure in the brain. However, …